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Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1 Segment information

1 Segment information

The Group Executive Board is the Group’s chief operating decision maker and reviews the results from a product-related as well as a geographical perspective. Bellevue Group focuses exclusively on the Asset Management business unit and reports one reportable segment. The segment consists of the operating business units Bellevue Asset Management and Bellevue Private Markets. The two business units are aggregated into one reportable segment as they have similar economic characteristics. The offering includes a broad-based range of investment funds as well as investment solutions for institutional, intermediary and private clients. Bellevue Asset Management has a clear focus on managing equity portfolios for selected sector and regional strategies, based on a fundamental and research-driven stock picking approach («bottom up»). A small part of the product range pursues a holistic asset management approach based on quantitative and experience-driven investment approaches with pronounced anti-cyclicality. Bellevue Private Markets specializes in developing exclusive investment opportunities in unlisted companies for its investor group. In addition, it acts as investment advisor for private equity funds. This represents a further diversification of the investment universe with low correlation to the capital markets. The two business units operate in similar regions. Group Management monitors the results of the two business units both on a consolidated basis and separately.

The geographical breakdown of operating income is as follows:

CHF 1 000



Operating income


57 078

71 490

United Kingdom

7 134

8 662


3 328

4 098

Other countries 1)

2 633

– 2 359


70 173

81 891

1)The negative operating income from other countries in the previous period is mainly due to negative income from financial investments.

Non-current assets for this purpose consist of property and equipment as well as goodwill and other intangible assets:

CHF 1 000



Non-current assets


52 357

33 967


12 377

13 043

Other countries




64 844

47 337

2 Details on the consolidated income statement

2 Details on the consolidated income statement

2.1 Revenues from asset management services

CHF 1 000



Management fees

65 359

79 268

Performance fees

2 293

1 995

Other commission income

3 583

3 330

Fee and commission expense

– 1 654

– 2 800

Revenues from asset management services

69 581

81 793

Management fees are generated from asset management mandates with listed investment companies, regulated funds in various countries, private equity funds or institutional counterparties. The fees are mostly collected on a monthly basis.

Various funds and mandates as well as the exclusive investment opportunities of the investor group include performance fees. These are only taken into account when a formal claim exists and Bellevue Group has fulfilled its performance obligation. The definitions are set out in the respective legal documents and can be summarized as follows:

  • Regulated funds: after the end of the calendar year
  • Private equity funds: depending on the partnership agreement – in the case of distributions or closure of the fund
  • Investment group: in the case of exits of investments
  • Mandates: individual – quarterly or yearly

Other commission income includes transaction-related fees.

2.2 Net other income

CHF 1 000



Dividend income



Interest income



Interest expenses

– 195

– 92

Net foreign exchange income/losses

– 328

– 18


– 380


Total net other income


1 013

2.3 Personnel expenses

CHF 1 000



Fix and variable salaries

34 554

37 943

Pension cost

1 927

1 929

Other social benefits

2 825

2 867

Other personnel expenses


1 084

Total personnel expenses

39 944

43 823

The compensation system for Bellevue Group employees is conceived to motivate employees at all operating units to do excellent work. It is a compensation model based on «personal ownership» and merit system principles. In setting fixed salaries, a restrained policy prevails from a business point of view. On the other hand, variable compensation is offered under an attractive ownership-oriented profit-sharing plan. This profit-sharing plan is tied directly to Bellevue Group’s operating results. Moreover, part of this bonus is paid in the form of restricted stock awards and shares of in-house products. This system is conducive to a culture of high performance with a long-term horizon.

The basis for calculating Bellevue Group’s variable compensation pool is adjusted consolidated earnings before taxes.

A fixed portion of the adjusted Group profit before taxes is allocated to the employees (total pool of variable compensation). Due to the direct link between the Group’s results and the total pool of variable compensation, there is a mechanism in place to ensure that variable compensation is commensurate with the Group’s operating performance (variabilization of profit-sharing).

2.4 Operating expenses

CHF 1 000



Occupancy and maintenance expenses



IT and telecommunications

4 520

4 676

Travel and representation, PR, advertising

2 899

3 777

Consulting and audit fees

2 173

1 667

Research expenses

1 648

2 129

Other expenses

1 657

1 396

Total other operating expenses

13 539

14 362

2.5 Depreciation and amortization

CHF 1 000



Depreciation of property and equipment



Depreciation of rights of use

2 864

1 989

Depreciation of intangible assets

1 238

1 432

Total depreciation and amortization

4 227

3 663

2.6 Valuation adjustments and provisions

CHF 1 000



Value adjustment Property and equipment (impairment)


Total valuation adjustments and provisions


2.7 Tax

2.7.1 Tax expenses

CHF 1 000



Current income taxes

3 691

6 215

Deferred income taxes

– 863

– 1 395

Total tax expenses

2 828

4 820

Tax expenses reconciliation

Pre-tax result

11 987

20 043

Expected rate of income tax 1)



Expected income tax

2 277

3 808

Reasons for higher/lower amounts:

Difference between applicable local tax rates and assumed mixed tax rate


– 286

Non-deductible expenses


1 298

Total tax expenses

2 828

4 820

1)The expected income tax rate is a mixed tax rate estimated by considering all the different businesses of the Group.

CHF 1 000


Tax effect of other comprehensive income

Amount before taxes

Tax income/ (expense)

Amount after taxes

Currency translation adjustments



Gains and losses arising on revaluation of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

– 453


– 387

Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligations IAS 19

– 1 568


– 1 271


– 1 107


– 744

CHF 1 000


Tax effect of other comprehensive income

Amount before taxes

Tax income/ (expense)

Amount after taxes

Currency translation adjustments

– 1 573

– 1 573

Gains and losses arising on revaluation of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income




Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligations IAS 19

1 168

– 221



– 374

– 213

– 587

2.7.2 Deferred tax assets

CHF 1 000


Balance as of 01.01.2023



to profit or loss

– 25

Currency translation adjustments

– 15

Balance as of 31.12.2023


Balance as of 01.01.2024



to profit or loss


Currency translation adjustments


Balance as of 31.12.2024


CHF 1 000



Expiry of unrecognized loss carryforwards

1 to 5 years

2 195


More than 5 years

3 316

4 114


5 511

4 935

The non-capitalized loss carryforwards originate mainly from Swiss subsidiaries. It is uncertain whether there will be an income tax benefit for Bellevue Group. Based on this fact, no deferred tax asset was capitalized.

2.7.3 Deferred tax liabilities

CHF 1 000

Intangible assets

Assets from pension plans

Other 1)


Balance as of 01.01.2023



2 721

3 792


to profit or loss

– 307


– 1 136

– 1 421

to other comprehensive income


– 8


Currency translation adjustments

– 26

– 16

– 42

Balance as of 31.12.2023



1 561

2 542

Balance as of 01.01.2024



1 561

2 542


to profit or loss

– 275

– 2

– 513

– 790

to other comprehensive income

– 297

– 66

– 363

Currency translation adjustments




Balance as of 31.12.2024




1 405

1)Other deferred tax assets refer to the result of the adoption of IFRS 2 (share-based payment) and IAS 19 (other long-term employee benefits).

3 Details on the consolidated balance sheet

3 Details on the consolidated balance sheet

3.1 Financial assets and financial liabilities

3.1.1 Fair value of financial instruments

CHF 1 000



Book value

Book value


Financial investments

Investments in own products

22 189

22 622

Investments in own products to fulfill long-term incentive plans

3 699

8 398

Other investments in equity instruments



Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss

26 560

31 886

Financial investments

Investments in own products

7 211

6 129

Financial assets with OCI fair value measurement

7 211

6 129

Total financial assets at fair value

33 771

38 015

The fair value of the other financial instruments (incl. time deposits of CHF 19.2 mn, previous period: 12.2 mn), which are measured at amortized cost, do not differ significantly from their book value and are mainly short-term.

3.1.2 Valuation methods of financial instruments

CHF 1 000

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


31.12.2024 Assets

Financial investments

Investments in own products

2 454

19 735

7 211

29 400

Investments in own products to fulfill long-term incentive plans

3 699

3 699

Other investments in equity instruments



Financial assets at fair value

6 825

19 735

7 211

33 771

CHF 1 000

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


31.12.2023 Assets

Financial investments

Investments in own products

22 223

6 528

28 751

Investments in own products to fulfill long-term incentive plans

8 398

8 398

Other investments in equity instruments




Financial assets at fair value

9 079

22 223

6 713

38 015

No transfer between levels of the fair value hierarchy took place in 2024 or in the previous period.

Level 1 instruments

If a financial instrument is traded in an active market, its fair value is based on listed market prices. In the fair value hierarchy prescribed in IFRS 13, this type of financial instrument is classified as a level 1 instrument. The fair value of these positions corresponds to the current price (e.g. settlement price or closing price) multiplied by the number of units of the financial instruments held.

Level 2 instruments

If there is no active market, the fair value is determined on the basis of valuation models or other generally accepted valuation methods. The instruments categorised as Level 2 are regulated investment funds. These funds publish a daily net asset value (NAV), but there is no active market for the trading of fund units in these investment funds. The valuation of the single fund units is based on the published NAVs. The valuation of these published NAVs is mainly determined by the listed investments held by the investment funds and therefore by parameters that are directly or indirectly observable on the market.

Level 3 instruments

If at least one significant input cannot be observed directly or indirectly in the market, the instrument is classified as a level 3 instrument. These instruments include private-equity funds. The fair value of private equity funds is determined based on the last available net asset values, taking into account any value adjustments according to own assessment.

3.1.3 Level 3 financial instruments

CHF 1 000



Financial investments

Financial investments

Holdings at the beginning of the year as of 01.01.

6 713

7 850


1 536

1 106


– 705

– 162

Losses recognized in the income statement

– 31

– 2 112

Losses recognized in other comprehensive income

– 787

– 413

Gains recognized in the income statement


Gains recognized in other comprehensive income



Total book value at balance sheet date

7 211

6 713

Unrealized profit/losses from level 3 instruments which were held on the balance sheet date recorded in the income statement in the period

– 2 112

Key assumptions for the valuation of level 3 financial instruments vary from investment to investment. The following table shows the effect on the valuation when these assumptions are changed:

Sensitivity analysis

Fair value

Key assumption

Changes in key assumption

Change in fair value in CHF 1 000

Private equity funds

7 211

Net asset value

+ 10 percentage points


- 10 percentage points

– 721

3.1.4 Derivative financial instruments

CHF 1 000

Positive replacement value

Negative replacement value

Contract volume


Futures 1)

2 745


2 745


Futures 1)

3 316


3 316

1)Level 1: listed on an active market

Derivatives are used exclusively for economic hedging purposes and not as speculative investments. However, if derivatives do not meet the criteria for hedge accounting, they are classified as «Financial investments» and recognized at fair value through profit or loss for financial reporting purposes.

3.2 Trade and other receivables

CHF 1 000



Trade receivables

5 901

6 877




Other receivables

1 408



8 032

7 728

3.3 Financial investments

CHF 1 000



Investments in own products

29 400

28 751

Investments in own products to fulfill long-term incentive plans

3 699

8 398

Other investments in equity instruments



Time deposits

19 227

12 210


52 998

50 225


45 789

43 511


7 209

6 714


52 998

50 225

3.4 Other assets

CHF 1 000



Assets related to other employee benefits

5 212

7 466

Assets from pension plans


1 986


1 105

1 105


6 725

10 557


3 393

4 390


3 332

6 167


6 725

10 557

3.5 Property and equipment

CHF 1 000

IT equipment

Right of use

Other fixed assets


Acquisition cost

Balance as of 01.01.2023


8 916

1 344

11 118


2 307


2 376


– 6 487

– 6 487

Foreign currency impact

– 2

– 113

– 15

– 130

Balance as of 31.12.2023


4 623

1 398

6 877



18 124

4 203

22 391


– 2 105

– 2 105

Foreign currency impact




Balance as of 31.12.2024


20 689

5 604

27 213

Accumulated depreciation

Balance as of 01.01.2023

– 858

– 5 734

– 339

– 6 931


– 1 989

– 242

– 2 231


6 435

6 435

Foreign currency impact





Balance as of 31.12.2023

– 856

– 1 258

– 577

– 2 691


– 2 864

– 125

– 2 989


– 476

– 476


1 738

1 738

Foreign currency impact

– 14

– 14

Balance as of 31.12.2024

– 856

– 2 398

– 1 178

– 4 432

Net carrying values

Balance as of 01.01.2023

3 182

1 005

4 187

Balance as of 31.12.2023

3 365


4 186

Balance as of 31.12.2024


18 291

4 426

22 781

Additions to the cost of the capitalized right of use assets amounted to CHF 18.1 million in 2024 and relate to the relocation to Zurich. In accordance with IFRS, Bellevue recognised the right of use asset and the corresponding lease liability at the inception of the lease. In addition, other fixed assets with a total value of CHF 4.2 million were capitalized in connection with the fit-out and furnishing of the new buildings. Of this amount, CHF 0.4 million relates to furniture and CHF 3.8 million to leasehold improvements. Due to the relocation, an impairment of CHF 0.5 million was also required on existing other fixed assets. The right of use assets recognised as at 31 December 2024 and 31 December 2023 mainly consist of right-of-use assets for properties.

3.6 Goodwill and other intangible assets

CHF 1 000




40 428

40 299

Other intangible assets

1 635

2 852


42 063

43 151

CHF 1 000


Goodwill Acquisition cost

Balance as of 01.01.2023

105 817

Foreign currency effect

– 1 550

Balance as of 31.12.2023

104 267

Foreign currency effect


Balance as of 31.12.2024

104 553

Accumulated valuation adjustments

Balance as of 01.01.2023

– 64 821

Foreign currency effect


Balance as of 31.12.2023

– 63 968

Foreign currency effect

– 157

Balance as of 31.12.2024

– 64 125

Net carrying values

Balance as of 01.01.2023

40 996

Balance as of 31.12.2023

40 299

Balance as of 31.12.2024

40 428

Bellevue Group basically examines the value of the goodwill annually, based on the estimated recoverable amount that can be obtained per each single cash-generating unit, or group of such units (depending on allocation). If events or a change of circumstances indicate a possible impairment, the test is carried out more frequently.

The recoverable amount is determined to be the value-in-use and is calculated using the discounted cash flow method. The projected free cash flows for the respective cash-generating units are estimated based on five-year financial plans. The business plans approved by management serve as the basis for these estimates of projected free cash flows. These cash flows are discounted to present value.

The following key parameters and their single components have been taken into account in the discounted cash flow method:

  • Income on the average assets under management and the expected return on assets (management and performance fees)
  • Transaction-related income
  • Discount rate

An impairment test was carried out for all CGUs at the end of December 2024. The discount rate used in these calculations was between 9.9% and 12% (31.12.2023: 12.3%) and the assumed growth rate was 1% (31.12.2023: 1.5%).

As of December 31, 2024, and December 31, 2023, Bellevue Group did not identify any impairment. The goodwill as of December 31, 2024 is attributable to the CGU-groups Bellevue Asset Management (Bellevue Asset Management AG, CHF 23.8 mn and Bellevue Asset Management (Deutschland) GmbH, CHF 10.8 mn) and Bellevue Private Markets (CHF 5.8 mn).

At the time of preparation of the consolidated financial statement, Bellevue Group’s management does not assume that a reasonably possible change in a parameter underlying the impairment test would lead to a goodwill impairment.

CHF 1 000

Client base




Other intangible assets Acquisition cost

Balance as of 01.01.2023

46 599



47 315


– 142

– 142

Foreign currency effect

– 834

– 15

– 849

Balance as of 31.12.2023

45 765



46 324

Foreign currency effect




Balance as of 31.12.2024

45 919



46 481

Accumulated valuation adjustments

Balance as of 01.01.2023

– 42 344

– 344

– 252

– 42 940


– 1 358

– 74

– 1 432




Foreign currency effect




Balance as of 31.12.2023

– 42 959

– 329

– 184

– 43 472


– 1 192

– 46

– 1 238


Foreign currency effect

– 133

– 3

– 136

Balance as of 31.12.2024

– 44 284

– 332

– 230

– 44 846

Net carrying values

Balance as of 01.01.2023

4 255


4 375

Balance as of 31.12.2023

2 806


2 852

Balance as of 31.12.2024

1 635

1 635

The other intangible assets are amortized over a period of 5 to 15 years and are included in the impairment test described under «Goodwill» (see above).

As of December 31, 2024, and December 31, 2023, no impairment was recognized in the review of the residual values. The discount rate used for this purpose was 13.5% (December 31, 2023: between 13.6% and 13.8%) and the applied growth rate between 1% and 2% (December 31, 2023: between 1% and 2%).

3.7 Trade and other payables

CHF 1 000



Trade payables



Accrued expenses 1)

21 343

25 469

Other payables

1 040



22 781

26 285


19 863

21 107


2 918

5 178


22 781

26 285

1)This item mainly includes accruals for variable compensation and for long-term incentive plans

3.8 Lease liabilities

CHF 1 000



At January 1

3 467

3 287


18 124

2 307


– 367

– 54

Interest expense on lease liabilities




– 2 205

– 2 076

Foreign currency effect


– 88

At December 31

19 249

3 467


2 252

2 103


16 997

1 364


19 249

3 467

Additions to lease liabilities in the 2024 financial year amount to CHF 18.1 million and relate to the relocation to Zurich. Bellevue recognised the right of use asset and the corresponding lease liability in accordance with IFRS at the inception of the lease.

3.9 Employee benefit plans

There are pension plans for most of the employees at Bellevue Group. These plans provide benefits in the event of death, disability, retirement or termination of employment. There were no unfunded liabilities due to employee pension plans as at the balance sheet date (previous year: no liabilities either). In Switzerland, pension contributions are paid equally by the employer and the employee. The foundation board is composed of an equal number of employee and employer representatives. According to Swiss law and the pension regulations, foundation boards are obliged to act solely in the interest of the foundation and its beneficiaries (active workforce and recipients of pensions). Hence, the employer cannot single-handedly determine the benefits and the funding; all resolutions have to be agreed on by both sides. The members of the foundation board are responsible for defining the investment strategy, for deciding on amendments to the pension regulations, and in particular for determining the funding of the pension benefits.

In the events of death and disability, pension benefits are based on the insured salary. In the event of old age, they are based on pension assets. At the time of retirement, insured persons can choose between a life annuity, which includes a prospective spouse pension, and a lump sum payment. Apart from retirement benefits, pension benefits also include disability and surviving spouse or partner pensions. Furthermore, insured persons can improve their pension situation up to the regulatory maximum by paying in additional amounts, or withdraw money early to acquire property that they occupy themselves. At the time of termination of an employment contract, the vested benefits will be transferred to the pension plan of the new employer or a vested benefits scheme. This type of benefit can result in pension payments fluctuating considerably from year to year.

When determining the benefits, the minimum requirements of the Federal Act on Occupational Old Age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Pension Provision (OPA) and its implementing provisions must be considered. The LOB defines minimum insured salary and minimum retirement assets. The Federal Council determines the minimum interest on these minimum retirement assets at least every two years. In 2024, it amounts to 1.25% (previous year: 1.25%).

Due to the nature of the pension plans and the provisions of the OPA, the employer is exposed to actuarial risks. The risks of death, disability and longevity are largely covered by an insurance policy. The major remaining risks include investment risk, interest risk and the risk of the insurer adjusting the premiums.

All employer and employee contributions are determined by the foundation board. The employer is to bear a minimum of 50% of the required contributions. In the case of underfunding, both employer and employee are entitled to pay in amounts to close the funding gap.

CHF 1 000



Consolidated balance sheet

Fair value of plan assets

49 481

47 069

Present value of pension obligations

– 49 073

– 43 893

Assets not available to Company

– 1 190

Pension plan assets


1 986

As at December 31, 2023 the pension plan had a surplus that had not been fully recognized, on the basis that future economic benefit is only available to the Company in the form of a reduction in future contributions of CHF 1.3 mn and a cash refund of the employer contribution reserves of CHF 0.8 mn.

CHF 1 000



Pension cost recognized in the income statement

Service cost

Current service cost

– 1 816

– 1 731

Past service cost (plan amendments)

– 76

Net interest expenses/income



Administrative expenses

– 53

– 53

Total pension cost for the period

– 1 821

– 1 817

CHF 1 000



Revaluation components recorded in other comprehensive income

Actuarial gains/losses

Arising from changes in economic assumptions

– 3 253

– 2 417

Arising from experience



Return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in net interest expenses)


1 474

Changes in asset ceiling

1 207

1 434

Total of amounts recognized in other comprehensive income

– 1 568

1 168

CHF 1 000



Development of pension obligations

At January 1

– 43 893

– 41 758

Current service cost

– 1 816

– 1 731

Employee contributions

– 589

– 574

Interest expenses on the present value of the obligations

– 617

– 917

Pension payments and vested benefits

6 012

4 055

Additions from admissions and voluntary contributions

– 5 037

– 1 152

Plan amendments

– 76

Actuarial gains/losses

– 3 133

– 1 740

At December 31

– 49 073

– 43 893

Development of plan assets

At January 1

47 069

45 030

Interest income


1 018

Plan participants' contribution



Company contributions

1 811

1 929

Pension payments and vested benefits

– 6 012

– 4 055

Additions from admissions and voluntary contributions

5 037

1 152

Return on plan assets (excluding amounts in net interest)


1 474

Administration expense

– 53

– 53

At December 31

49 481

47 069

Actual return on plan assets

1 040

2 492

CHF 1 000



Allocation of plan assets


Listed investments

19 671

16 425


Listed investments

11 538

9 065

Real estate

Investments in funds

4 681

4 084

Alternative investments

5 863

5 565

Qualified insurance policies

2 195

2 190


5 533

9 740


49 481

47 069

The plan assets allocation as at December 31, 2024, as well as at December 31, 2023, do not include shares of Bellevue Group AG. The foundation board issues investment guidelines for the investment of plan assets. These guidelines include tactical asset allocation and benchmarks for comparing the results with a general investment universe. The plan assets are well diversified. In terms of diversification and security, the Swiss pension plan is subject to the provisions of the OPA. As a rule, bonds receive at least a rating of A.

The foundation board regularly reviews the selected investment strategy as to whether it meets the requirements of the pension plan and whether the risk budget is in line with the demographic structure. Adherence to investment guidelines as well as results achieved by investment advisors are reviewed on a quarterly basis. Furthermore, an external consultancy periodically examines the investment strategy with regard to whether it is effective and appropriate.

Through its defined benefit pension plan, the Company is exposed to a number of risks. These risks are shared between the employer, employees and the provider of the pension fund as the retirement benefits are currently financed over an insurance contract. The calculation of the defined benefit obligation allows for this risk sharing by reducing the defined benefit obligation related to employees. Further, the provider determines the level of conversion rates. Hence, the defined benefit obligation is based on the assumption that future conversion rates will change in line with the changes in future interest rates.

As at December 31, 2023, the retirement age for women was adjusted from 64 to 65 (due to a revision of the «Old Age and Survivors Insurance»). These adjustment led to a plan amendment in the 2023 financial year and as a consequence in a past service cost loss of CHF 0.1 mn.

Defined-benefit obligations are distributed as follows:

CHF 1 000



Active workforce

46 794

41 703


2 279

2 190


49 073

43 893

The maturity of the obligation is 16.4 years as at December 31, 2024 (previous year: 16.5 years). The expected employer’s contributions for 2025 are estimated at CHF 1.8 mn.



Actuarial assumptions

Biometric assumptions

BVG 2020GT

BVG 2020GT

Life expectancy at the age of 65

Year of birth

1 959

1 958







Year of birth

1 979

1 978







Discount rate



Expected rate of salary increases



Expected rate of pension increases



Interest on pension assets



Changes to the present value of a defined-benefit obligation

CHF 1 000





Assumed interest rate

– 1 781

– 1 610

Salary development



Interest on pension assets



+1 year

+1 year

Development of life expectancy



The most important factors influencing the development of pension obligations are assumed interest rate, salary development, pension index and development of life expectancy.

3.10 Share capital

Number of shares

Par value CHF 1 000

Share Capital (registered shares)

Balance as of 01.01.2023

13 461 428

1 346

Balance as of 31.12.2023

13 461 428

1 346

Balance as of 31.12.2024

13 461 428

1 346

Conditional capital

Balance as of 01.01.2023

1 000 000


Balance as of 31.12.2023

Balance as of 31.12.2024

At the Annual General Meeting on March 21, 2023, the article on conditional capital was removed from the Articles of Association. As at December 31, 2023, and December 31, 2024  there was neither conditional nor authorized capital nor a capital band.

3.11 Treasury shares


CHF 1 000

Balance as of 01.01.2023

242 076

8 335


214 649

5 674


– 151 252

– 5 184

Balance as of 31.12.2023

305 473

8 825


5 661



– 134 225

– 3 870

Balance as of 31.12.2024

176 909

5 054

Disposals and purchases of treasury shares also include any deliveries or returns of treasury shares as part of share-based payments, which are not cash-effective in such cases.

4 Significant estimates, assumptions and judgments

4 Significant estimates, assumptions and judgments

4.1 Estimates, assumptions and the exercising of discretion by management

In applying the accounting principles, management must make estimates, assumptions and discretionary decisions that influence the level of reported assets and liabilities, expense and income, as well as the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. Management reviews its estimates and assumptions on an ongoing basis and adjusts them according to new findings and conditions. This may, among other things, have a material impact on the following positions of the consolidated financial statements.

Income taxes

Bellevue Group AG and its subsidiaries are liable for income tax in most related countries. The current tax assets and current tax liabilities reported as at the balance sheet date as well as the resulting current tax expense for the period under review are based on estimates and assumptions and may therefore differ from the amounts determined in the future by the tax authorities.


A provision is recorded if, as the result of a past event, Bellevue Group has a current liability as at the balance sheet date that will probably lead to an outflow of funds and if the amount of the liability can be reliably estimated. When determining whether a provision should be recorded and whether the amount is appropriate, best possible estimates and assumptions as at the balance sheet date are applied. These estimates and assumptions may be subject to change according to new findings and conditions.

Level 3 financial instruments (fair value)

Level 3 financial instruments are valued based on the inputs that are not based on observable market data. For details to the valuation methods applied for level 3 financial instruments refer to the notes to the consolidated financial statements on note 3.1.2 «Fair value financial instruments».

For details to the effect of significant changes on the assumptions behind the classification method for level 3 financial instruments refer the notes to the consolidated financial statements on note 3.1.3 «Level 3 financial instruments».

Pension plan

Management sets the actuarial assumptions and determines whether a pension plan surplus can be capitalized as an economic benefit for Bellevue Group. Pension costs are also subject to estimates and assumptions. The management believes that the assumptions and estimates which have been made are appropriate.

Review of goodwill and other intangible assets for impairment

Bellevue Group basically examines the value of the goodwill annually, based on the estimated recoverable amount that can be obtained per each single cash-generating unit, or group of such units (depending on allocation).

Established that an event or any circumstances cause a reduction in value of the goodwill, examinations will be performed more frequently.

The Group’s approach to determine the key assumptions and related growth expectations is based on management’s knowledge and reasonable expectations of future business, using internal and external market information, planned business initiatives and other reasonable intentions of management. For that purpose, the Group uses historical information by taking into consideration the current and expected market situations.

Changes in key assumptions: deviations of future actual results achieved vs forecasted/planned key assumptions, as well as future changes of any of the key assumptions based on a future different assessment of the development of relevant markets, and/or the businesses, may occur. Such deviations may result from changes in the market environment and the related profitability, required types and intensity of personnel resources, general and company specific driven personnel cost development and/or changes in the implementation of known or addition of new business initiatives and/or other internal and/or external factors. In general, these changes may cause the value of the business units to alter and therefore either increase or reduce the difference between the carrying value in the balance sheet and the unit’s recoverable amount or may even lead to a partial impairment of goodwill.

5 Risk management and risk control

5 Risk management and risk control

5.1 Risk evaluation and risk policy

Risk management is based on the evaluation of risks by the Board of Directors and is ensuing risk policy, which is reviewed periodically. Independent risk control bodies monitor the risks at the individual operating unit level and at Group level. The Group Executive Board is informed on a regular basis about the assets, financial positions, liquidity and earnings of the Group and all related risks by means of financial and risk reporting procedures commensurate with each particular level of management. Risk reports are prepared at the individual operating unit level as well as at the Group level.

5.2 Market risk

Market risks arise through fluctuations in market pricing of interest rates, exchange rates and equities as well as the corresponding volatilities. Market risk management entails the identification, measurement, control and regulation of market risk exposure. This exposure primarily pertains to the financial investments.

Market risks are monitored by an independent function on a daily basis. Risk reports are prepared at the individual operating unit level as well as at Group level. Market risks are minimized through constant monitoring of risk.

Price change risks

The Group’s exposure to foreign exchange risk arises from financial assets held by the Group, which are either recognized at fair value through profit or loss or directly in equity. To manage the price risk, the Group diversifies the portfolio and partially hedges it with index futures or listed index options. Financial assets are mainly investments in own products (equities, investment funds and private equity funds) and other financial assets (equities, private equity funds and various). Investments in own products for the fulfillment of long-term incentive plans are held to secure liabilities from entitlements of such plans and are therefore considered as economic hedges. All positions in financial assets are valued at fair value. Wherever possible, stock market prices are automatically imported into our systems and used for valuation purposes. The positions are monitored on a daily basis. Any change in price is fully reflected in profit or loss or comprehensive income.

A change in fair value of 10% in relation to the year-end value (net after hedging) would result in a change in equity of CHF 5.3 mn (previous year: CHF 5.0 mn) for the financial assets measured at fair value, of which CHF 4.6 mn (previous year: CHF 4.4 mn) would be recognized in profit or loss.

Interest risk

The Group’s exposure to interest rate risk is marginal. On the one hand, the Group’s cash and cash equivalents available on demand bear interest at market rates and, on the other hand, the influence of debt interest is low due to the high equity ratio. If borrowings are necessary, these are short-term fixed loans that bear interest at market rates.

Currency risk

The Group’s foreign currency risk consists of recognized assets and liabilities as well as future transactions (mainly management fees) that are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the Group company concerned. The Group deliberately refrains from hedging these currency risks. The net balance sheet items are as follows:

CHF 1 000





Net position as of 31.12.2024

21 272

7 451

8 118

10% change in fair value

+/– 3684

Net position as of 31.12.2023

22 238

7 577

13 380

10% change in fair value

+/– 4320

5.3 Default risk

The Group is exposed to default risk, which is the risk that a counterparty is unable to pay the amount due in full when due. The Group measures default risk and expected default losses based on the probability of default, exposure at default and loss given default. In determining expected default losses, the Group considers both historical analysis and forward-looking information. The Group manages and controls its default risk by maintaining business relationships only with counterparties with an acceptable credit rating.

The following table shows the maximum credit risk exposure of Bellevue Group at the balance sheet date:

CHF 1 000



Cash and cash equivalents

26 849

38 834

Trade and other receivables

8 032

7 728

Financial investments

19 227

12 210

Other assets

1 105

1 105


55 213

59 877

As of December 31, 2024, there are no financial assets that are impaired (December 31, 2023: none) and there are no indications of material adverse effects on the credit quality of financial assets. In 2024, no impairments were identified on financial assets exposed to credit risk.

The following table provides an analysis of the maturity of financial assets with credit risk:

CHF 1 000

Due within 3 months

Due within 3 to 12 months

Due between 1 and 5 years



Cash and cash equivalents

26 849

26 849

Trade and other receivables

7 230


8 032

Financial investments

19 227

19 227

Other assets

1 105

1 105


53 306


1 105

55 213


Cash and cash equivalents

38 834

38 834

Trade and other receivables

7 305


7 728

Financial investments

12 210

12 210

Other assets


1 102

1 105


58 352


1 102

59 877

As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the ECL impairment model had no material impact as (i) the majority of financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or loss and the impairment requirements do not apply to such instruments; and (ii) the financial assets «at amortized cost» are mainly current. Consequently, no impairment loss has been recognized based on expected credit losses.

5.4 Liquidity risk

The CFO of Bellevue Group is responsible for managing liquidity and financing risks. Financing risks refer to the risk of Bellevue Group or one of its operating units being unable to refinance its current or anticipated obligations on an ongoing basis at acceptable conditions. Liquidity risks refer to the risk of Bellevue Group or one of its operating units being unable to fulfill its payment obligations when due. Whereas financing risks relate to the ability to finance business operations at all times, liquidity risks primarily concern the ability to ensure sufficient liquidity at any point in time.

Bellevue Group manages its liquidity and financing risks on an integrated basis at the consolidated level. Day-to-day liquidity management is performed at the level of the individual Group companies by functions responsible for this. Financing capacities are managed through appropriate diversification of funding sources and the provision of collateral, thereby reducing liquidity risks.

Risk management ensures that Bellevue Group always has sufficient liquidity to be able to fulfill its payment obligations, even in stress scenarios. The liquidity risk management system therefore comprises functional risk measurement and control systems to ensure its continuous ability to pay its obligations at any time. It also defines strategies and requirements for the management of liquidity risk under stress conditions as part of the defined liquidity risk tolerance. They mainly include risk mitigation measures, the holding of a liquidity buffer comprising highly liquid assets, and a contingency plan to manage any liquidity shortfalls. In the event of an unexpected tightening of liquidity, the Group can also access a portfolio of positions that retain their value and can easily be liquidated and has access to two existing credit lines at different banks.

The maturity structure of financial liabilities is as follows:

CHF 1 000

Due within 3 months

Due within 3 to 12 months

Due between 1 and 5 years

Due after 5 years



Trade and other payables

15 063

4 800

2 918

22 781

Leasing liabilities 1)


1 829

8 716

9 353

20 604


15 769

6 629

11 634

9 353

43 385

1)According to IFRS 7 B11D, the undiscounted contractual cash flows relating to the gross lease liabilities must be disclosed. The corresponding undiscounted cash flows differ from the amount recognized in the balance sheet because the amount is based on discounted cash flows.

CHF 1 000

Due within 3 months

Due within 3 to 12 months

Due between 1 and 5 years



Trade and other payables

15 891

5 216

5 178

26 285

Leasing liabilities 1)


1 639

1 628

3 811


16 435

6 855

6 806

30 096

1)According to IFRS 7 B11D, the undiscounted contractual cash flows relating to the gross lease liabilities must be disclosed. The corresponding undiscounted cash flows differ from the amount recognized in the balance sheet because the amount is based on discounted cash flows.

5.5 Operational risk

Operational risks represent the risk of losses resulting from the inadequacy or failure of internal processes, people and systems or from external events. 

All business activities entail operational risks, which are prevented, mitigated, transferred or even assumed based on cost/benefit considerations. During this process, potential legal, regulatory and compliance-related risks are taken into account, as are follow-on risks in the form of reputational risks.

The Group-wide process model represents the basis for the management of operational risks. As part of the systematic assessments that are performed annually, the operational risks in all critical processes and process entities are identified and evaluated. In addition, further attention is focused on core security topics such as data protection and business continuity management, which are guaranteed through the use of extra tools.

All measures to control operational risks from part of the Internal Control Systems (ICS).

5.6 Legal and compliance risks

Legal and compliance risks refer to risks related to legal and regulatory issues, primarily liability and default risks. These risks are minimized when processing orders by requiring standardized master agreements and individual agreements. Risk related to the acceptance of client assets and adherence to due diligence obligations are monitored at the respective operating unit level. When appropriate, external attorneys will be consulted to limit legal risks.

6 Major subsidiaries

6 Major subsidiaries



Share of

Share of

Company name




Share capital/Nominal capital


Voting rights


Voting rights

Fully consolidated companies

Bellevue Group AG

Küsnacht, Switzerland



1 346 143

Parent company

Parent company

Bellevue Asset Management AG

Küsnacht, Switzerland

Asset Management


1 750 000





Bellevue Asset Management (Deutschland) GmbH

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Asset Management


540 000





Bellevue Asset Management (UK) Limited

London, UK

Asset Management


50 000





Asset Management BaB N.V.


Asset Management


6 001





Bellevue Research Inc.

New York, USA








BB Biotech Ventures GP


Investment Advisor


10 000





BB Pureos Bioventures GP Limited 1)


Investment Advisor


60 000





Bellevue Private Markets AG

Zug, Switzerland

Investment Advisor


1 000 000





adbodmer AG

Zug, Switzerland

Investment Advisor


100 000





Bellevue Komplementär AG

Küsnacht, Switzerland

Asset Management


200 000





Bellevue Private Markets Management I S.à.r.l.


Asset Management


12 000





Bellevue Asset Management (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 2)




1 000 000





1) The company was sold in the 2024 financial year.
2) The company was established on 17 December 2024. The share capital of SGD 1 000 000 had not yet been paid in as at December 31, 2024.

Minority shareholders’ equity ownership of BB Pureos Bioventures GP Limited was 1%. Due to the non-materiality of this ownership with respect to the overall Bellevue Group’s equity and comprehensive income, no separate disclosure of minority shareholders has been published on the Group’s financial statements.

7 Guarantees and contingent liabilities

7 Guarantees and contingent liabilities

CHF 1 000



Rent deposit accounts in connection with leasing contracts

1 104

1 144

Contingent liabilities 1)

2 034

3 468

1)The contingent liabilities include capital commitments to private equity funds in the 2024 financial year and in the previous year.

8 Events after the balance sheet date

8 Events after the balance sheet date

No events have occurred since the balance sheet date that would have a material impact on the information provided in the year 2024 consolidated financial statements and would therefore need to be disclosed.

9 Transactions with related companies and persons

9 Transactions with related companies and persons

9.1 Compensation paid to members of the Board of Directors and to members of the Group Executive Board

CHF 1 000



Board of Directors

Group Executive Board

Board of Directors

Group Executive Board

Fixed compensation


1 445



– in cash


1 445



– in shares 1)



Fixed compensation


– in cash


– in shares 4)


Non-monetary benefit from voluntary stock purchase programs 2)



Short-term variable compensation



– in cash



– in shares 3)


– in shares with vesting period 4)


Long-term variable compensation


– 65

– in shares 5)


– 65



3 295


1 975

1) The allocation is made in freely available shares
2) The purchase/allocation is made in 3 years blocked and discounted shares
3) The allocation is made in 4 years restricted shares
 The allocation is made in 4 years restricted shares with one-year service period and right of redemption (taking into account the service/vesting period in accordance with IFRS 2)
5) Members of the Group Executive Board partially participate in an employee stock ownership plan in connection with the asset management mandate of BB Biotech AG. Within the scope of these plans, some of the members of the Group Executive Board are entitled to receive a maximum number of shares in BB Biotech AG. The actual number of shares awarded depends on various conditions. Awarded shares are subject to a three-year vesting period beginning on the date of grant. In addition, the actual number of shares distributed will depend on the achievement of certain performance targets over the subsequent three fiscal years in connection with the respective investment mandates. The cost of this employee program is recognized as long-term variable compensation. In the 2024 financial year, this item also includes a long-service award in the form of Bellevue Group shares with an equivalent value of CHF 18 750 plus employer contributions to statutory social insurance.

The amounts listed for fixed and variable compensation also include any employer contributions to statutory or regulatory social security schemes.

In the financial years 2024 and 2023, no compensation was paid to related parties of members of the Board of Directors and Group Executive Board, nor to former members of the Board of Directors.

9.2 Transactions with related companies and persons

As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, there were neither receivables nor liabilities to related companies and persons.

10 Share-based payments

10 Share-based payments

10.1. Variable compensation (share of profit) with service conditions

According to the rules for variable compensation set by the Board of Directors, higher variable compensation (>TCHF 200) is partly paid or allocated in blocked shares of Bellevue Group with a 1-year (pro rata) service condition. The cost of this share-based payment component is recognised over the service period from the grant date, which is usually at the end of April. The shares allocated are measured at market value based on the weighted average price on the ten trading days prior to allocation. The individual allocations take into account function, experience, personal performance and market development. These elements are weighted at individual level. The structure of the variable remuneration and the conditions for vesting, service period and clawback rights are determined by the Board of Directors or the Compensation Committee depending on the function and the amount of the individual variable remuneration. In 2024, TCHF 371 (2023: TCHF 1 653) of share-based compensation costs were recognized in personnel expenses.

10.2. Voluntary employee stock ownership plan

In 2024, the Board of Directors approved a voluntary employee stock option program for a total of 135 000 shares (2023: 135 000 shares). Depending on the management level, the Board of Directors, Executive Board and employees were offered a certain number of Bellevue Group AG shares at a discounted purchase price of CHF 12.75 per share (2023: CHF 18.00 per share). This corresponded to a discount of almost 25% on the volume-weighted average price of the quarter prior to the grant date of the entitlements. The difference between the market value at the effective grant date and the purchase price corresponds to a monetary benefit of TCHF 67 (2023: TCHF 25), which was recognized in personnel expenses. 23 750 rights (2023: 23 169 rights) were exercised, thereof 9 500 (2023: 10 000) by the Board of Directors. The members of the Group Executive Board didn’t exercise any rights in 2024 (2023: none).

11 Earnings per share

11 Earnings per share

CHF 1 000



Group net profit

9 159

15 223

Weighted average number of issued registered shares

13 461 428

13 461 428

Less weighted average number of treasury shares

– 226 740

– 230 813

Weighted average number of shares outstanding (undiluted)

13 234 688

13 230 615

Weighted average number of shares outstanding (diluted)

13 234 688

13 230 615

Earnings per share

Undiluted earnings per share (in CHF)



Diluted earnings per share (in CHF)



12 Dividend payment

12 Dividend payment

The Board of Directors will propose a dividend distribution of CHF 0.70 per registered share to the Annual General Meeting of Bellevue Group AG on March 18, 2025. This corresponds to a total distribution of CHF 9.4 mn.

13 Approval of the consolidated financial statements

13 Approval of the consolidated financial statements

The Audit & Risk Committee discussed and approved the consolidated financial statements at its meeting on February 17, 2025, and the Board of Directors at its meeting on February 18, 2025. The consolidated financial statement will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting on March 18, 2025, for approval.

14 Summary of significant accounting policies

14 Summary of significant accounting policies

14.1. Company and business activity

Bellevue Group AG is a public limited company listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and has its registered office at Seestrasse 16, 8700 Küsnacht/Switzerland. As of January 1,  2025, the registered office will be relocated to Theaterstrasse 12, 8001 Zurich/Switzerland. The company acts as a pure asset manager with a multi-boutique approach and specializes in investment themes that require an active investment style.

14.2 Accounting principles

The consolidated financial statements of Bellevue Group AG have been prepared in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards and comply with the listing regulations of the Swiss Stock Exchange.

The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements are set out below. The application of the underlying principles is unchanged from the previous year, with the exception of the accounting standards newly applied in item 14.3.

14.3 New accounting standards used

The following revised standards and interpretations did not have any material impact on Bellevue Group when they were applied for the first time as of January 1, 2024:

To be applied as of

Amendments to IAS 1: Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current


Amendments to IFRS 16: Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback


Amendments to IAS 7 and IFRS 7: Supplier Finance Arrangements


14.4 IFRS Accounting Standards and interpretations which will be introduced in 2025 or later

Based on early stage analysis, the following standards’ updates will not have a significant effect on Bellevue Group’s financial statements:

To be applied as of

Amendments to IAS 21: Lack of exchangeability


14.5 Important accounting principles

14.5.1 Consolidation principles

Fully consolidated companies

The annual consolidated financial statements comprise the annual accounts of Bellevue Group AG and its subsidiaries. All companies that are directly or indirectly controlled by Bellevue Group AG are consolidated. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group, and deconsolidated from the date when control ceases.

Method of consolidation

The Group applies the acquisition method to account for business combinations. Under this method, the book value of the participation held by the parent company is offset against its share of the shareholders’ equity of the subsidiary at the time of the acquisition. The effects of intercompany transactions are eliminated during the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

Business combinations

In a business combination, the acquirer obtains control of the net assets of one or more businesses. The business combination is accounted for using the acquisition method. This requires the recognition of the identifiable assets acquired, including previously unrecognized intangible assets, and liabilities assumed of the acquired business at their fair values at the acquisition date. Any excess of the consideration transferred over the net identifiable assets acquired is recognized as goodwill. Consideration transferred is assets or equity instruments issued that are measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Transaction costs are immediately charged to the income statement.

Contingent consideration, which is accounted for as part of the consideration transferred for the acquiree, is measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent changes in the fair value of contingent consideration are recognized in the income statement in accordance with IFRS 9.

14.5.2 General principles

Foreign currency translation

The items included in the financial accounts of each of the Group’s company are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment, in which the company operates (functional currency). The consolidated financial statements are presented in Swiss Francs, which is also the functional and presentation currency of Bellevue Group AG.

Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at foreign group member companies are converted into Swiss francs using the applicable exchange rates for the balance sheet date. For the income and cash flow statements, year-average exchange rates are used. The differences resulting from consolidation are booked directly in other comprehensive income.

In the individual year-end accounts of group member companies transactions are booked in foreign currency at the respective daily exchange rates. Monetary assets are translated at the respective daily exchange rate and any gains or losses are recognized in the income statement. Monetary items carried on the balance sheet at historical cost in a foreign currency are translated at the historical exchange rate.

The following exchange rates apply to the translation of significant currencies:



Year-end rate

Average rate

Year-end rate

Average rate
















Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and current accounts as well as call money at banks with a maturity of less than three months. These are measured at nominal value, which corresponds to fair value due to the short-term maturities.

Accrual of income

The Group’s revenue consists mainly of asset management fees. A distinction is made between the following fees: Management fees result from the management of collective capital contributions and institutional asset management mandates. Performance fees are only recognized when all performance criteria have been met. Interest is accrued on an accrual basis.

14.5.3 Financial instruments

Initial recognition

Purchases and disposals of financial assets are recognized in the balance sheet on the trade date. At the time of initial recognition, financial assets or financial liabilities are classified in the respective category according to criteria set forth in IFRS 9 and measured at the fair value of the consideration given or received, including directly attributable transaction costs. In the case of trading portfolio assets and other financial instruments carried at fair value, transaction costs are immediately recognized in the income statement, except of value changes of financial instruments, which are recorded in the comprehensive income.

Determination of fair value

At initial recognition, the fair value of financial instruments is ascertained from quoted market prices provided that the financial instrument is traded on an active market (level 1). Whenever possible, the fair value of other financial instruments is determined using generally recognized valuation models (level 2). These models are based on input parameters other than level 1 that can be observed on the market. For a residue of financial instruments, there are no available market listings or valuation models or methods based on market prices. For such instruments, in-house valuation methods or models are used (level 3). In such cases, the fairness of the valuation is assured by clearly defined methods and processes and by independent checks.

Financial investments at amortized costs

Investments whereby the objective is to hold financial assets to collect contractual cash flows and for which the contractually agreed cash flows comprise only interest and the repayment of parts of the nominal value are entered on the balance sheet as amortized costs using the effective interest method. Any expected credit losses are deducted from the book value of the item.

Financial assets and liabilities from financial assets

Financial instruments that do not meet the criteria for recognition at amortized cost are recognized at fair value. The resulting income is reported under the item «Income from financial investments». Liabilities from financial assets are reported under the item «Other financial liabilities».

Investments at fair value with fair value changes recognized in other comprehensive income

Investments in equity instruments that are not held for trading purposes are carried fair value in the balance sheet. Changes in value are recognized in the income statement except in cases where Bellevue Group has irrevocably decided to recognized them at fair value through other comprehensive income.

Derivative financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments are recognized in the balance sheet under «Financial assets» or «Other financial liabilities». No offsetting takes place on the basis of master netting agreements. Realized and unrealized gains and losses are recognized in «Income from financial investments».

14.5.4 Other principles

Treasury shares 

Bellevue Group AG shares held by Bellevue Group are designated as treasury shares and are deducted from shareholders’ equity at weighted average cost. Changes in fair value are not recognized. The difference between the sales proceeds of treasury shares and the corresponding acquisition cost is recorded in retained earnings.

Share-based payments

Bellevue Group maintains various share-based payment plans in the form of share plans for selected employees. When such payments are made to these employees, the fair value of these payments at grant date serves as the basis for calculating the personnel expenses. Share-based payments that are not subject to any further conditions are expensed immediately at grant date. Share-based payments that are subject to the completion of a service period or to other vesting conditions are expensed over the respective vesting period starting at grant date. The amount recognized as an expense is adjusted to reflect the number of share awards for which the related services and non-market performance vesting conditions are expected to be met.

Property and equipment

Property and equipment include leasehold improvements, information technology and telecommunications equipment, capitalized right of use from leases and other fixed assets. The acquisition or production costs of property and equipment are capitalized when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably.

Bellevue Group mainly acts as a lessee in the context of the leasing of business premises. At the lease commencement date, a lease liability corresponding to the present value of lease payments over the lease term is recognized. The lease term basically corresponds to the non-cancellable period during which Bellevue Group has the right to use the business premises but it also takes account of the period covered by an option to extend the lease if Bellevue Group is reasonably certain to exercise that option, and the period covered by an option to terminate the lease if Bellevue Group is reasonably certain not to exercise that option.

At the same time as the lease liability is recognized, a right to use the underlying asset, which corresponds to the lease liability plus prepaid lease payments, directly attributable costs and any reinstatement obligations, is capitalized. After initial recognition, the interest component on the lease liability is accrued in the period in which it is incurred using the effective interest method and is recognized in «Net other income». The lease liability is adjusted to reflect interest recognized and lease payments made. The right-of-use asset is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The depreciation charge and any impairment charge are recognized in the income statement in «Depreciation and amortization».

If there is any change to the lease term or if lease payments are adjusted to an index, the lease liability is remeasured. In the first case, the current incremental borrowing rate is used to calculate the present value; in the second case, the original incremental borrowing rate is used. The amount of the remeasurement of the lease liability is recognized as an adjustment to the right-of-use asset. Right-of-use assets are recognized in the balance sheet item «Property and equipment». The carrying amount of the right-of-use assets and changes in that value are shown in note 3.5. Lease liabilities related to leased office space are recognized in the balance sheet item «Lease liabilities». Bellevue Group applies the accounting exceptions for short-term leases and leased assets of low value. Neither a lease liability nor a right-of-use asset is recognized for these leases.

Property and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful life as follows:

Leasehold improvements

max. 10 years

Information technology and communications equipment

max. 5 years

Rights of use

over leasing contract duration

Other fixed assets

max. 5 years

Property and equipment are reviewed for impairment if events or circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may be impaired. If the carrying amount exceeds the realizable amount, an impairment loss is charged. Any reversals of impairments at a later date will be recognized in the income statement.

Goodwill and other intangible assets

Goodwill arises from the acquisition of subsidiaries and represents the future economic benefits from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and are recognized separately. For the purposes of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated to each of the CGUs (cash-generating unit) or group’s of CGUs, that is expected to benefit for synergies from combination. Each unit or group of units to which goodwill is allocated represents the lowest level within the entity at which the goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes. Goodwill is monitored at the level of the CGU respectively group of CGUs, taking into account the internal reporting and management structure. Goodwill is capitalized and tested for impairment at least on an annual basis, or if events or changed circumstances indicate a potential impairment. The test is carried out more frequently to determine whether the book value exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and the value in use. If the book value exceeds the recoverable amount an impairment loss is recorded.

Other intangible assets include client relationships and brands acquired during business combination as well as softwares. Such intangible assets are capitalized if their fair value can be reliably determined. They are amortized on a straight-line basis over their useful life of not more than 5 years (software), 10 to 15 years (client relationships) or 5 years (brands). Other intangible assets are reviewed for impairment if events or circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If the carrying amount exceeds the realizable amount, an impairment loss is charged. Any reversals of impairments at later date will be recognized in the income statement. At present, there are no other intangible assets with an indefinite useful life capitalized in Bellevue Group’s balance sheet.

Income taxes

The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the applicable tax laws enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date in the countries where the Company and its subsidiaries operate and generate taxable income and recognized as expense in the period in which the related profits are made. Receivables or liabilities related to current income taxes are reported in the balance sheet in the items «Current tax assets» or «Current tax liabilities». Tax effects arising from temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet and their corresponding tax values are recognized as «Deferred tax assets» and «Deferred tax liabilities» respectively. Deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences and from tax loss carry forwards can be offset. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated at the tax rates expected to apply in the period in which the tax assets will be realized, or the tax liabilities settled. Tax receivables and tax liabilities are offset when they refer to the same taxable entity, fall under the same jurisdiction, and the enforceable rights to offset exists.

Current and deferred taxes are credited or charged directly to shareholders’ equity if the taxes are related to items that are credited or charged under other comprehensive income in the same or a different period.


A provision is recognized if Bellevue Group has, as a result of a past event, a current liability at the balance sheet date that will probably lead to an outflow of funds and whose amount can be reliably estimated. If an outflow of funds is unlikely to occur, or the amount of the liability cannot be reliably estimated, a contingent liability is shown. If there is, as a result of a past event, a possible liability as at the balance sheet date whose existence depends on future developments that are not fully under Bellevue Group’s control, a contingent liability is likewise shown. The recognition and reversal of pro-visions are recognized under «Valuation adjustments and provisions» except for changes in actuarial pension provisions, which are recognized under «Other comprehensive income», with the exception of changes in actuarial provisions which are recorded in the income statement.

Pension funds

Bellevue Group maintains in Switzerland a defined-contribution pension plan. The pension fund is set up in accordance with Swiss defined-contribution regulations, but does not meet all of the criteria of a defined-contribution plan as defined by IAS 19. Therefore, this plan is treated as a defined-benefit plan.

Pension obligations are met exclusively with pension fund assets held by a pension foundation legally separated from and independent of Bellevue Group. It is managed by a Board of Trustees, consisting in equal parts of representatives of management and employees. The organization, operational management and financing of the pension fund are conducted in accordance with legal regulations, the foundation’s charter and applicable pension fund regulations. Employees and pensioners, or their survivors, receive legally determined benefits upon leaving the Company, during retirement, at death, and in the event of invalidity. These benefits are financed by employee’s and employer’s contributions.

For defined-benefit plans, pension costs are determined on the basis of different economic and demographic assumptions using the projected unit credit method. This method uses the number of service years until the key date. The assumptions to be evaluated by the Group include expectations of future salary development, long-term interest on retirement assets, retirement trends and life expectancy. The valuations are carried out by independent actuaries every year. The pension assets are valued annually at fair value.

Pension cost is composed of three components:

  • Service cost, which is recorded as personnel expenses in the income statement;
  • Net interest expenses, which are recorded in the position «Other financial income» in the income statement; and
  • Revaluation components, which are recognized in the statement of comprehensive income.

Service cost encompasses the current service cost, past service cost, and gains and losses from non-routine plan settlements. Gains and losses from plan curtailments are treated the same way as past service cost. Employee contributions and third-party contributions reduce the service cost and are deducted from it, provided they are required by the benefit regulations or are the result of a factual obligation.

Net interest expenses are the result of the assumed interest rate multiplied by the pension obligations or the pension assets. Capital flows and changes of less than a year are included on a weighted basis.

Revaluation components include actuarial gains and losses from changes in the net present value of the pension obligations and the pension assets. Actuarial gains and losses are calculated on the basis of changes in assumptions and experience adjustments. Gains and losses on assets are the result of income on assets less the amounts contained in net interest expenses. The revaluation component also includes changes in unrecognized assets less effects included in net interest expenses. Revaluation components are recorded in the statement of comprehensive income and cannot be recycled. Amounts recorded in the statement of comprehensive income can be reallocated within equity.

Pension obligations or assets recorded in the consolidated financial statements correspond to the funding surplus or shortfall of the defined-benefit plans. However, pension assets are restricted to the net present value of the Group’s economic benefit from future curtailments or repayments. Pension obligations in Swiss benefit plans are currently valued on the basis of employers and employees sharing the risk.

15 Alternative Performance Indicators (unaudited)

15 Alternative Performance Indicators (unaudited)

CHF 1 000





70 173

81 891

– 11 718

Personnel expenses

– 39 944

– 43 823

+3 879

Other operating expenses

– 13 539

– 14 362


Operating expenses

– 53 483

– 58 185

+4 702

Operating profit

16 690

23 706

– 7 016

Depreciation and amortization

– 4 227

– 3 663

– 564

Valuation adjustments and provisions

– 476

– 476

Group profit before tax

11 987

20 043

– 8 056


– 2 828

– 4 820

+1 992

Group net profit

9 159

15 223

– 6 064