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Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

About this Chapter

This chapter describes Bellevue’s progress towards implementing our climate change commitment in accordance with the Swiss regulation and global best practice standards. It serves as a summary and overview on our endeavours in advancing how we manage climate-related risks and opportunities. Bellevue recognizes that climate change poses a significant risk to society, nature, our business, our customers and partners. Our goal is to support the economy-wide transition to net zero with our ongoing climate engagement at corporate as well as at the level of our investment portfolio. A transition to a net zero future yields not only environmental but also long-term financial benefits for all our stakeholders including our clients, shareholders, employees and society in general.

This chapter has been prepared in accordance with the Swiss Federal Council’s adopted ordinance on mandatory climate disclosures for large Swiss companies and thus, the binding implementation of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). As a medium-sized enterprise, Bellevue is not obliged by the Ordinance on Climate Disclosures to publish a TCFD report. Nevertheless, as a responsible investor committed to the goals of the Paris Agreement, we have sought to incorporate the requirements laid out in the articles of the Ordinance on Climate Disclosures, the recommendations of the TCFD (2017), the cross-sectoral and sector-specific guidance outlined in the TCFD Implementation Guidance (2021) and, where possible and appropriate, the «Guidance on Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans» (2021).

1) See communication by Federal Council on bringing the ordinance on mandatory climate disclosures for large companies into force as of 1 January 2024.
Final Report – Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, June 2017.
3) Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, October 2021.
4) TCFD Guidance on Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans, October 2021.


a) Describe the board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities

Climate-related opportunities and risks can potentially affect all areas of Bellevue and its business – in terms of our own business activities as well as the investments (portfolio level) – hence the fact that ultimate responsibility for this issue lies with Bellevue’s Board of Directors (BoD).

The BoD has ultimate responsibility for sustainability (including climate- and ESG-related matters). It approves the Group’s sustainability and climate strategy and plan. The BoD is informed and decides upon climate-related matters, such as goals and targets (including performance objectives), strategy, internal organisation, major plans of action, monitoring implementation and performance, risk management, and associated major capital expenditures (including acquisitions, and divestitures).

As the highest authority for strategic issues, the BoD is informed quarterly by the Group Executive Board and/or the ESG Working Group (management function) about measures and progress in the areas of sustainability and climate and is involved in the decision-making process.

The Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) oversees risk management activities for the company, including those associated with climate. It examines whether all systems created to monitor compliance with legal provisions are appropriate and whether they are being applied properly, and guides and monitors Bellevue’s risk policy and profile, which covers climate-related risks amongst other topics. Other Board-level committees further integrate ESG including climate-related considerations into their agendas and mandates. The ARC reports to the BoD and makes recommendations to the same via the Group Executive Board. The ARC is regularly informed by Risk Management (management function), including on climate- and ESG-related risks.


Annual Report: ESG - Sustainability strategy
Annual Report: Corporate Governance - Internal organization
Internal documents: Sustainability guidelines, Sustainability organization regulations

b) Describe management’s role in assessing and managing risks and opportunities

The Group Executive Board is the highest management body in matters of sustainability and is responsible for the sustainability strategy, including climate. Within the Group Executive Board, sustainability is headed by the Group CFO, in collaboration with the CFO of Bellevue Asset Management AG. To this end, the Group Executive Board defines climate-related operational objectives and approves the implementation plans. The Group Executive Board is responsible for managing risks and ensures that the risk assessment process is conducted in an encompassing manner. It is also responsible for the enaction of the relevant directives for risk assessment, risk management and risk control and the adequacy of the internal control system. This assessment is driven by a yearly strategic risk review. The Group CFO (at the same time CRO) is responsible for any risk control activities.

The ESG Working Group is responsible for coordinating and managing the measures at Group level. It monitors the latest developments on the sustainability and climate front and anticipates their impact on the business model of Bellevue Group. It supports the Group Executive Board with formulating and developing the sustainability strategy. The Group Executive Board ensures that the defined focal points of the Group-wide sustainability strategy are integrated and implemented in the divisions. The ESG Working Group also ensures that the Group Executive Board is involved as a steering body, reports on progress and liaises with key stakeholder groups at Group level.

The organization of the ESG Working Group is based on the Bellevue Group organization and is made up of sustainability officers from the various departments and teams. The ESG Working Group is led by a co-management team. This consists of one corporate and a product representative. The sustainability managers of the departments/teams ensure that the Group-wide sustainability and climate strategy is implemented through corresponding measures and initiatives, considering local regulatory requirements. It also initiates and supports relevant ESG training courses together with the ESG managers of the departments/teams.

The management of the ESG Working Group reports to the Group Executive Board on a quarterly basis. This in turn reports to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. In the event of urgent matters, the Group Executive Board should be informed immediately by the chairperson of the ESG Working Group.

The portfolio management team is responsible for implementing the investment strategy, with a focus on sustainability and climate themes as well as overarching principles and policies. It is also responsible of calculating and managing the financed emissions of our portfolio.


Annual Report: ESG – Sustainability strategy
Internal documents: Sustainability guidelines, Sustainability organization regulations


a) Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organization has identified over the short, medium, and long term

Bellevue places great emphasis on environmental and climate protection. We consider the wide-ranging impact of climate change on its own business, shareholders, customers, and partners. We endorse and are committed to the goals of the Paris Agreement. We can play our part in achieving them through the way we structure our portfolios, as well as by analyzing climate-related risks and showing how they influence our investment decisions. Naturally, we apply exclusions for controversial industries (e.g. fracking/oil sands, thermal coal), maintain an active dialog with companies or other stakeholders regarding their climate strategy, and exercise our voting rights. We have worked to embed climate-related considerations into our group-wide sustainability strategy. To accelerate the pace of our own climate action and the support for our customers in an orderly transition to net zero, we have identified the relevant climate-related opportunities for our business model and assessed associated risks over short, medium, and long term.

We have applied the TCFD recommendations to identify climate-related physical and transition risks and opportunities that may not only influence our overall reputational standing but also our market, operations and regulatory exposure or financial outcomes. The identification of the relevant risks and opportunities was performed by an interdisciplinary group of executives from management, the heads of relevant departments (sustainability, strategy, finance, controlling, communication) and selected subject-matter experts. The process was mediated and supported by an external consulting company (Swiss Climate).

Our major priorities for future climate-related opportunities are anchored in the following streams:

While changes associated with a transition to a lower-carbon economy presents substantial opportunities to Bellevue, they also create significant climate-related risks for the organization. We have identified the following major climate-related risks for our business model:

An important aspect for organizations to consider is the time horizon for assessing climate-related risks and opportunities. While some of those risks or opportunities may materialize in the short term, others may be of higher relevance in the long-term. Bellevue thus carefully considered the relevant time horizons that are used to evaluate any impact from climate-related issues in alignment with our transition plan. We have defined time horizons consistent with the one mentioned in the Explanatory Report to the Ordinance on Climate Disclosures issued by the Swiss Federal Council on November 23, 2022:

The above-mentioned time horizons were determined based on considerations on our business activities, existing targets and goals, existing law, emerging Swiss and EU regulations, current market developments and the national and international climate agenda.

In the sections that follow, we provide an overview on the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities for the above mentioned short-, medium- and long-term horizons.


Annual Report: ESG – Sustainability strategy
Internal documents: Sustainability guidelines, Sustainability organization regulations

B) Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning

The impacts of climate change on Bellevue are driven by the identified climate-related opportunities and risks. Bellevue has assessed the impact of the relevant risks and opportunities on the organization in terms of:

The results of the assessment are described below:



Time horizon

Top opportunities

Clean operations



Short term

Low Carbon Investment Portfolios



Short term

ESG Stewardship



Medium term

Top risks

Strategy risk



Medium term

Reputation risk



Medium term

ESG (Compliance) Risk



Short term

Market risk



Medium term

Counterparty (credit) risk



Medium term

Physical risk



Medium term

The impact assessment was performed by an interdisciplinary group of executives from management, heads of relevant departments (sustainability, strategy, finance, controlling, communication) and selected subject-matter experts. The analysis in terms of impact and likelihood also serves as an indication on our prioritization for future climate-related initiatives, action plans and the relative importance of each stream during the respective time horizon.

Overall, the impact assessment indicates that implementing Low Carbon Investment Portfolios is considered the most material climate-related opportunity for Bellevue in terms of impact. We also consider ESG Stewardship as medium impact opportunity. While the impact for further measures to establish Clean Operations is considered rather low, the likelihood is considered high. The latter also applies for implementing Low Carbon Investment Portfolios.

For climate-related risks, market risks associated with our societies’ climate transition are considered most material, both in terms of impact and likelihood. Climate-related risks considered high in terms of impact and medium in terms of likelihood are strategy risks related to climate-related market developments and our ability to offer sustainable product/investment solutions, as well as reputation risks related to Bellevue’s current and future climate engagement and measures to realize its transition plan. Further, climate-related risks considered medium in terms of impact and likelihood are ESG (compliance) risks related to Bellevue’s compliance to existing and emerging regulatory requirements. Counterparty (credit) risks as well as physical risks are considered low both in terms of impact and likelihood.

Generally, the fact that all opportunities and risks are expected to materialize or are to be realized in the short to medium term indicates our commitment to our ongoing and future climate engagement. However, climate-related risks with high impact are rather to be expected to materialize in the medium term. This is mainly driven by current market expectations and regulatory developments.

See further details on the process to assess climate-related risks and opportunities outlined in the section Risk Management.

C) Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario

We are convinced that our strategy is directly affected by climate-related risks and opportunities. It is for this reason that we have established a transition plan that serves as a blueprint for our own business in the transition to a low-carbon economy. It is our assumption that such a transition occurs in an orderly fashion that is consistent with a 2°C or lower scenario. Targets and measures taken by Bellevue are consistent with this assumption.

Our encompassing identification and impact assessment of climate-related opportunities described under Strategy a)/b) of this report was guided by questions such as:

Currently, multiple elements contribute to the resiliency of our climate strategy:

While we have not yet performed a climate-related scenario analysis to assess the resiliency of our strategic considerations under different scenarios, we plan to perform such an assessment in the upcoming years. Any additional regulatory requirements by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) will be considered in the development of such an analysis.

Risk Management

a) Describe the organization’s processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks

b) Describe the organization’s processes for managing climate-related risks

c) Describe how processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organization’s overall risk

Our climate-related risk management framework

In accordance with FINMA’s understanding on climate risk management, we consider climate risk as a risk driver to other «classical» financial sector risk categories. Climate-related risks – in the form of physical risks and transition risks – are thus not considered a separate risk category but are rather managed as part of the existing risk management framework. Transition risks driven by technology, policy and legal, market or reputational concerns or chronic and acute physical risks in accordance with the TCFD categorization are managed through the existing processes for managing financial and non-financial risks. The mapping of climate-related risks against our traditional risk categories is disclosed in the section Strategy a).

The existing risk governance is outlined in the section Governance and applies to climate-related risks. As part of the existing risk policy and our framework for risk management and risk control, we have established processes for:

To ensure that climate-related risks are identified, assessed and managed, they are integrated as part of the Group-wide risk policy and in the above-mentioned processes for risk management and risk control.

Risk identification and assessment

We identified the relevant climate-related risks for Bellevue and assessed their impact as part of the encompassing analysis outlined in section Strategy a)/b). The analysis was performed by an interdisciplinary group with the participation of executives from management, the heads of relevant departments (sustainability, strategy, finance, controlling, communication) and selected subject-matter experts. The identification of relevant risks for Bellevue was performed in accordance with the TCFD recommendations and was based on guidance by regulatory bodies, best practice, peers and professional judgement by the relevant stakeholders within the company. The encompassing analysis also included a qualitative assessment for all relevant climate-related risks of Bellevue with regards to impact, likelihood and the associated time horizons. The results of this assessment are outlined in section Strategy b).

Bellevue has risk identification and assessment processes in place that are performed by risk management at Group level but also at the individual operating unit level on a regular basis. To ensure that the initial assessment of climate-related risks outlined above is institutionalized, we are planning to integrate the encompassing analysis as part of the existing risk- and/or business-specific processes (e.g. annual Risk Assessment).

In addition to this overarching process, the assessment of relevant climate-related risks is further performed as follows (see further details under Metrics & Targets):

Risk management and control

We are convinced that the limitation of climate-related risks is crucial to ensure that the understanding of the level and type of those risks that is accepted in pursuit of our strategy is aligned. Bellevue has processes in place that allow the company to mitigate, transfer, accept and control risks, including climate-related risks:

Risk reporting and disclosure

The relevant climate-related risks are continuously monitored and reported as part of the existing risk governance structures (see also section Governance), notably the following:

Reporting provided to any of those bodies covers the specific climate-related risks and includes, if appropriate, respective assessments of these risks (e.g. metrics) and the climate-related risk tolerance.

Bellevue fulfils its responsibilities in relation to ESG and climate reporting via the following channels:

Internal documents: Risk Management Framework, Risk Management and Risk Control Directive

Metrics and Targets

a) Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process

Based on the recommendations by TCFD, and our sustainability and risk strategy, we measure and monitor metrics that allow us to assess the climate-related risks and opportunities identified under section Strategy a). The following metrics are considered relevant for Bellevue to further accelerate the transition of our business model towards a net zero economy:

GHG emissions

Short to long term targets have been defined for this metric (see Metrics & Targets c) to assess and monitor our ongoing measures to reduce our carbon footprint as well as our exposure to climate-sensitive sectors. These metrics and associated targets are crucial to monitor our key climate-related opportunities such as Clean Operations and Low Carbon Emissions Portfolio.

Exclusion criteria

The metric and associated targets is important to monitor our key climate-related opportunity on Low Carbon Emissions Portfolio.

ESG integration

ESG stewardship

Transition risk

Internal carbon pricing

Bellevue does not apply an internal carbon price mainly due to the following reasons:

While such a carbon price mechanism is helpful for larger organizations to incentivize the business and mobilise resources by allocating the effective cost of carbon, such an instrument does not add any additional benefit to the existing metrics and targets at Bellevue. The necessity to implement an internal carbon price (e.g. on business travel) is and further will be assessed on a regular basis.


Annual Report: ESG - Climate change, ESG - Responsible investments

b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks

Our measurement and disclosure of the GHG emissions for Scope 1, Scope 2 and operational Scope 3, as well as the financed emissions of our portfolio are included in the Annual Report under the chapter ESG.


Annual Report: ESG - Climate change, ESG - Responsible investments

c) Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and performance against targets

We have established short term, medium term and a long term target to ensure that we uphold our commitment to facilitate the transition to a net zero economy. The targets are aligned with our relevant time horizons on the short- medium- and long-term.

The following targets are in place:

A detailed decarbonization plan with concrete reduction measures will be developed in 2024, based on the transition plan outlined in this TCFD reporting.


Annual Report: ESG – Sustainability strategy

Bellevue’s transition plan

Bellevue’s transition plan outlines the path to reducing CO₂ emissions and achieving net zero by 2050. The plan is divided into three phases: short-term (2026), medium-term (2035) and long-term (2050). The company aims to reduce emissions by 40% in Scope 3.7 by 2026 and by 40% in Scope 1, 2 and operational Scope 3 by 2035, with the ultimate goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

The plan highlights climate-related opportunities, including clean operations, low-carbon investment portfolios and ESG stewardship, which can create value during the transition. At the same time, it addresses climate-related risks such as ESG compliance, strategic product risks, reputational risks, market risks, counterparty risks and physical risks. By effectively managing risks and capitalising on opportunities, Bellevue aims to achieve sustainability goals and ensure economic stability.