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Information and control instruments relating to the Group Executive Board

The Board of Directors meets at least four times a year as specified in the internal rules and regulations. The ordinary meetings usually last half a day. The members of the Group Executive Board attend these meetings. The Board of Directors receives monthly reports about the course of business and is periodically informed about risk exposure developments as well as the adherence to legal, regulatory and internal rules and regulations. Its control instruments include the semi-annual reporting requirements, the annual budget process, the external audits and, in particular, the internal audit, which reports directly to the Chairman of the Board of Directors (see also Internal organization).

During the meetings of the Board of Directors, every director can request other board members or the CEO to provide them with information about any matters relating to Bellevue Group. In the interim between meetings every Board member can request information about the course of business from the CEO and can also, upon approval by the Board Chairman, receive information about specific business transactions and inspect business documents.