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1 Accounting Principles

General approach

The annual financial statements of Bellevue Group AG were prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Swiss Code of Obligations. Balance sheet items are valued at historical costs.

Cash and cash equivalents, receivables and liabilities

Assets are recognized at acquisition costs and liabilities are recognized at their nominal value. Specific valuation adjustments are made for identifiable risks of loan losses.


Participations are recognized at acquisition costs less impairments necessary for commercial reasons.

Accruals and deferrals

Accruals and deferrals are expenditures of the current financial year, which are recognized as expenses in the subsequent financial year as well as revenues of the current financial year, which are recognized as income in the subsequent financial year.

Treasury shares

Treasury shares are recognized at acquisition cost and deducted from shareholders’ equity at the time of acquisition. In case of a resale, the gain or loss is recognized through the income statement as profit or loss. For treasury shares held by subsidiaries, a reserve for treasury shares is booked to the value of the acquisition price.

Waiver of cash flow statement, management report and additional disclosures in the notes

As Bellevue Group AG has prepared its consolidated financial statements in accordance with a recognized accounting standard (IFRS), it has decided to waive the disclosure of additional information on interest-bearing liabilities and audit fees in the notes, the management report as well as a the cash flow statement in accordance with the law.