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ESG Economic performance

Economic performance

GRI 3-3
GRI 201-1
GRI 201-2
GRI 201-3
GRI 201-4

As a pure-play, specialized asset manager with a particular focus on the healthcare sector and other promising growth strategies, Bellevue pledges value creation for customers and shareholders. Our entrepreneurial business model is straightforward, clear and highly scalable. Our financial profile is robust and low-risk.

Financial solidity and long-term profitability are the qualities underpinning Bellevue’s reputation as a reliable and value-adding partner for all its stakeholders.

The organization’s sound economic performance enables Bellevue to invest in infrastructure and employee development, provide long-term profitability for shareholders, and be a responsible corporate citizen that gives back to the community through tax payments and support for charitable causes, culture, and sports.

Overall responsibility for economic performance lies with the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board. Long-term goals and performance records are available in the Business Report and Consolidated financial statements sections of our website.

The economic value directly generated and distributed for 2023 is made up as follows:

Bellevue creates sustainable value for its clients, the supply chain, and other stakeholder groups. The company contributes significantly to the state (taxes), employees (compensation and social insurance contributions), shareholders (dividends), and suppliers and service providers (purchased goods and services). A portion of the generated value is retained in the company for future investments.

Further details on pension expense and liabilities are provided in appendix 3.8 of the consolidated financial statements. For information on the financial implications of climate change for the company, please refer to the TCFD section. Bellevue did not receive any financial support from the public sector in the fiscal years 2023 and 2022.

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