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Statement of shareholders’ equity

CHF 1 000


Share capital


Capital reserves


Gains and losses recognized in other compre- hensive income


Currency translation adjust- ments


Retained earnings


Treasury shares


















Balance at 1 January 2022


1 346


27 340


– 3 488


– 1 684


129 156


– 6 079


146 591

Currency translation adjustments





– 1 085




– 1 085

Gains and losses arising on revaluation of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income










Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligations




– 123





– 123

Other comprehensive income




– 111


– 1 085




– 1 196

Group net profit






14 276



14 276

Total comprehensive income




– 111


– 1 085


14 276



13 080

Employee stock ownership plan






1 382



1 382

Acquisition of own shares







– 4 223


– 4 223

Disposal of own shares






– 210


5 528


5 318

Dividends and other distributions






– 35 813



– 35 813

Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners






– 34 641


1 305


– 33 336

Balance at 30 June 2022


1 346


27 340


– 3 599


– 2 769


108 791


– 4 774


126 335

CHF 1 000


Share capital


Capital reserves


Gains and losses recognized in other compre- hensive income


Currency translation adjust- ments


Retained earnings


Treasury shares


















Balance at 1 January 2021


1 346


27 340


– 814


– 891


141 028


– 2 193


165 816

Currency translation adjustments










Gains and losses arising on revaluation of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income










Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligations




– 781





– 781

Other comprehensive income




– 407







Group net profit






22 459



22 459

Total comprehensive income




– 407




22 459



22 669

Employee stock ownership plan






– 1 658



– 1 658

Acquisition of own shares







– 8 045


– 8 045

Disposal of own shares








4 486


4 920

Dividends and other distributions






– 52 966



– 52 966

Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners






– 54 190


– 3 559


– 57 749

Balance at 30 June 2021


1 346


27 340


– 1 221


– 274


109 297


– 5 752


130 736

The notes are an integral part of the consolidated interim financial statements.

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