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Business Report Share performance

Share performance

Bellevue Group share (BBN SW) 

Compelling performance compared to relevant indexes

Total return in CHF (5 years)

Indexed to 100 (in %)
Source: Bloomberg, Bellevue Group, as at June 30, 2022

Market capitalization

(in mn CHF)


as of 30.06.2022

Dividend for 2021

(in CHF)


Dividend yield

(in %)


as of 31.12.2021

1) Based on ordinary dividend of CHF 2.70 and share price on December 31, 2021

Structure of the shareholder base

Structure of the shareholder base as of June 30, 2022

Source: Bellevue Group, as at June 30, 2022

Attractive value creation leads to stable shareholder base

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