Shareholder letter
«Net new money in the first half of the year 2021 amounted to CHF 682 mn»
André Rüegg
Chief Executive Officer
«The consolidated net profit for the period rose to a record high of CHF 22.5 mn»
Veit de Maddalena
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Key figures
1) Earnings before taxes, depreciation and amortization
2) Defined as: operating expenses / operating income
3) Based on reported net profit and average equity for the preceding 6-month period after distribution of the respective dividends
4) Based on the ordinary dividend of CHF 1.50 and the closing share price on December 31, 2020 (CHF 1.25 and closing share price on December 31, 2019)
Source: Bellevue Group, as at 06/30/2021
Consistent strategy execution
- Strategic profile and positioning as a pure, specialized asset manager steadily sharpened
- Ongoing development of proven business model with a clear focus on creating value and on entrepreneurial responsibility
- A sound growth strategy guided by product and service quality as well as innovation and client dynamics
Strong operating performance
- Record operating results in a still challenging market environment attributed to significantly stronger business base (AuM)
- Clients rewarded with strong absolute and relative investment performance
- Attractive value created for shareholders and clients
Simplified and stronger platform
- Robust and agile organization, sound capital base ensure a high level of efficiency
- Continuously strengthening our very resilient platform for further growth
- Solid governance with a focus on ESG
Financial highlights
Bellevue Group performed well as a pure play asset manager in an exceptional market environment in the first half year of 2021. The detailed figures on the annual results can be found in the presentation.
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